Friday, June 13, 2008

Happiness is....

1. A cocktail parakeet on my shoulder, playing with my earring and putting its tiny face into my curls' loops.
2. Fluffing up a bunny and having a child-costumer come up to me asking if they can hold it and to quickly and sternly answer "No".
3. Doing the same to an annoying screeching teenager girl, who has been running around the store aimlessly babbeling nonsense and responding to animals' natural behavior like only stupid teenaged girls can react when they think being disgusted and amused by whatever looks odd to them is the right and feminine thing to do, and is now standing by the bunny pen with a large sign on it saying 'Do Not Touch the Animals' asking if she can pet the bunny.
4. Fondling a rat who, after a long while of sniffing around my hands and shirt, curls up in my palms and goes to sleep.

Did I tell you I love my job yet?

The hyena project relaxed a bit and now the toy stage is in full force. The bones experiment is done and next week'll be time for the ice lolly test. I enjoyed making the ice lolly (take a small plastic tub, fill it with cut up chicken, sardines, canalopes and dates, fill it with water and put it in the freezer) but I did not enjoy putting it in the freezer. I found a dead sheep there, waiting for consuming; not a pretty sight on the end of a long bunker-like refrigerator, opening a giant bunker-like door and once the clouds of frost dissappear to see the sheep's legs sticking out in odd directions @_@

Anyways! Here are some kitty pictures:



You again? What do you want?

The biggest toy bone (the one he did not yet consume, BTW) was also a key interest to the fluffers when I let them sniff it around. Scarlett was the most intersted:

She was trying to get under it for some strange reason...

Sam joined in


But gave up when Scarlett started showing too much interest. He's a gentleman like that; he'll give her whatever she's interested in even if he's playing with it. The only thing he'll take from her is the food bowl come gushy food time...

Hopefull much, ne?

She tried biting it from every direction
She even managed to drag it for a few centimeters...

Today I was in the zoology garden doing the last round of the bones test and here are pictures!!

This is the predator's compound's yard. Mostly the wolves are in it but the hyena gets to go there once in a while

This is the hyena in one part of his cage. The other part is of equal size on the other side of the wall.

Shiran, who came up with me onto the roof of the wolves & heyna side of the compound, looking glum. I had to take someone up there with me due to security orders...

More of the hyena

Standing in his water pool, he likes sitting there, scratching himself or drinking the water while cooling on them.

Bones round I. Note the big yellowish bone is the same one Scarlett tried having a go at. Note the changes a hyena can do...

And that's it for today, I'll bring pictures of the ice lolly round as well ^_^

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