* This week was a bit of a stress; five days of work which meant the only time I was home was in the morning and then after 23:00...not fun. But the pay will be good (and I need it!)
* Speaking of pay, lovely Ebay ended up demanding almost half the sum I earned on my first sale, after a long list of various fees, half of which aren't mentioned. Cute people, like hell I'm using their services again without a proper reserve price, the assholes.
* The Deaths: Legend is on hiatose due to problems with the beta-ing, but mostly due to the nonexisting free time I have. I'll keep writing various bits of it but it'll take me a while to find a proper beta and once I found them, to trust them again to properly do the jobs they took upon them or last for long without kicking up drama to cover laziness (the first being the fault of the latest now ex-beta and the last being the fault of my first ex-beta). See, Allan, no battle axes ^_^
* This morning Scarlett was very nice, helping mom fold the laundry. Mind you, the term "help" is very flexible in the feline world. I'll let you be the judge:

"Here, mom, take this, oh my clawas are in it? So sorry *pulls hard*"

Slowely creeping atop the pile to block any more kidnapping of items:


Perhaps rolling around and looking cute'll do the trick...

She's just an angel

"leave me alone already"

"I'm sleeeeeeepiiiiiiing!!"

Yeah, right.
* Store stuffs: Meet Nathan, as I think he aught to be named:

was one of our kept-for-snake-food rats in the store along with several other rats. Last week there were only him and two other rats left and since I already introduced myself to him I held him again and he snuggled up in my overall's chest pocket to doze off, pop out and scare/delight costumers and pee in the pocket. ANYWAYS, halfway through the shift a man comes and wants two rats for his snake. The bastard insisted I'd get him the rats even after he saw what I had in my pocket and had to be prized off by the other worker in the store, bless his soul. So Nathan's buddies were taken and my little one, having been in my pocket, was saved.
The name stems from my father's sensitive and tactful (note the sarcasm) comment about the story that I "made Sophie's choice"....now tell me, is that something to tell a gal like me?
Anyways, the day after that I convinced a nice young couple of obvious animal fanatism to take Nathan in as a pet and his life were completely saved ^_^
Another friend who kept me company this week is this little cocktail parakeet:

Luckily, he was considerate enough to not leave any birdly "presents" behind while he stayed where he did. Kind parakeet <3
* The hyena project: He doesn't know what to do with ice XXXD it's not in hus
umwelt, the poor baby. he spent the whole hour pacing like he always does with short tiny breaks to check if anything tasty melted off the ice yet and to lick it listlessly for a few minutes. Here's the ice lolly full of goody yum yums for hyenas like fish, whole chicken, canalopes and dates:

Bears go nutty over these lollies but I guess bears live in places much more prone to ice and snow while the currently more desert-inhabiting striped hyena has a problem wrapping his mind around the concept of nibbling and kicking the ice into melting to release the goody yum yum. Oh well, it's a result and it's a great result too IMO, so I'm pleased.