Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Tests so far and a book report.

Tests: Animal Behavior was hard but fair. I hope all the idiots who filled the classroom just because they thought it's a cutsy little course with lots of animal pictures learned a lesson; this is a serious subject, as serious as any of the micro__ and biotechnology subjects *grumblegrumble* I had only three days to properly cramm to it and two out of those I shared with cramming to Genetics so I will not be surprised if my grade will not be as much as I expect of myself. Yet, there is a re-take exam always.
Genetics is tomorrow and I hope all will go well. It's the kind of test you can bring anything into (besides the course's book, of course) so I'm arming myself to the teeth with just about anything I can put into the folder. I've finished all 11 practice tests and have marked out which subjects will show me a hard time so I know what to tackle now. It should be alright, if I keep myself levelheaded. Wish me luck!

Book Report: Ah, didn't expect to finish this book quite so fast but it is a very slim book, despite its ripe and rich content, and the kind of books which are really hard to put down. Here's my Goodreads review:
Pratchett's first Discworld book, it's an amazingly adventurous, imaginative, exciting, amusing book about a poor failed wizard, Rincewind and the tourist that is the world's trouble-magnet, he's constantly made to look after.
If I give you any more plot details I'll spoil you and you really aught to read this book without knowing at all where the plot's going or it'll be just like riding a roller-coaster without feeling gravity; a total bummer.
It's not his funniest book, I must add, but it...more Pratchett's first Discworld book, it's an amazingly adventurous, imaginative, exciting, amusing book about a poor failed wizard, Rincewind and the tourist that is the world's trouble-magnet, he's constantly made to look after.
If I give you any more plot details I'll spoil you and you really aught to read this book without knowing at all where the plot's going or it'll be just like riding a roller-coaster without feeling gravity; a total bummer.
It's not his funniest book, I must add, but it's novelty and it's radical and abundant imagination and fun makes it all worth while. Highly recommended!

Next up: Sybille Steinbacher's Auschwitz, A History.

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